The Art of the Last Man
Written by Miles William Mathis

Art is everything. And nothing. The only sin is pride,

Art is the creation of extraordinary artifacts; and definite abilities, innate and acquired, are necessary to the production of art. Abilities that are not universal. Abilities that are rare. To deny this is not to be progressive, it is to be evasive. To deny this is not a sign of tolerance or inclusion, it is a sign of envy.

Art is not the handmaiden or the accomplice of any of these forms. Art is not a sub - category. It is a category of its own. Art is not criticism. Art is the opposite of criticism. Art is synthetic; it springs from the imagination. Its origins are pre - cognitive; its mechanism, ineffable; its consorts, symbol and myth.

An artist, to my mind, is the opposite of the Modern artist. He does not listen to critics or curators, read ARTnews, psychoanalyze himself, or make political "statements." He does not need to. He does not find analyzing art more interesting than creating art, because he can create it. And because he needs no help creating it, he takes the presumptions of theory and theorists with an ill humor. Finally, an artist dares to do what he can do. If he can paint, he paints. If he can sculpt, he sculpts. If he can also argue, then he leaps out of his cave like a badger on a grizzly bear.

What makes Art LIVE?
It meets art like matter meets anti - matter. Art is always arrayed in mystery; criticism cannot abide mystery. When criticism becomes more powerful than art, its methods begin to systematically destroy the foundations of art. Reason, continually watered, crowds out an etiolated imagination, and our dreams become dessicated. But for art to be healthy, synthesis must precede analysis, passion must precede cognition. Art must precede theory. Artists must regain control of art.